FeedSpot.com Meditation Podcasts You Must Follow in 2024: Meditation Life Skills Podcast is ranked in the top 10!
Jan. 19, 2023

Deep Meditation Music For Sleep: Theta + 432 Hz Solfeggio

Deep Meditation Music For Sleep: Theta + 432 Hz Solfeggio

The universe's natural frequency, 432 Hz, is what this music is tuned to. This tuning offers unexpected advantages. Your body and mind will be able to vibrate in unison with the natural world.

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The Meditation Life Skills Podcast

The Benefits of Deep Meditation Music For Sleep, Relaxation, and Healing

Deep meditation music for sleep is powerful. Research shows that music can alter a person’s mood and behavior, as well as their physical body. That’s why, in our fast-paced modern world, the calming effects of music are so significant.

Theta brainwaves (4-7 Hz) are associated with dreams, deep meditation, and REM sleep.

Binaural beats result from hearing 2 dissimilar frequencies in each ear so headphones are required. If you hear two different frequencies in each ear, you'll hear the difference between the two as a binaural beat.

Listening to binaural beats may increase particular brainwave frequencies. Our brain mimics the frequencies we hear in the beat. If you wish to better your theta brainwaves, listen to a binaural beat in the theta range. This is called entrainment or frequency-following response.

Music that is tuned to 432 Hz is more friendly for the ears and unites the listeners to the universal harmony and generates positive effects on the mind and body.

In short, 432 Hz meditation music would fill the mind with a sense of peace and well-being. Deep meditation music for sleep that has been tuned to the scientific 432 Hz releases emotional blockages and is said to be most beneficial to humans.

Listen for a period of at least 21 days, try listening to music tuned at either 432 Hz or 528 Hz–which is the frequency that promotes both love and DNA repair, and track how you feel the next morning.



MeditationLifeSkillsPodcast.com strives to present meditation concepts that connect east and west, tradition and science in a non-sectarian way, from multiple traditions, without promoting any particular technique or method.

One important principle I try to accomplish is to take complex ideas about meditation and the not-so-well understood meditation principles and help you understand how they can fit into your life.

To your success in meditation!

Don Weyant

Don Weyant/Founder



NOTE: Listen to these meditation episodes as much as you want in a comfortable position, whether sitting or lying down. For best results, we strongly suggest listening with headphones.

***This work is not meant to replace medical or counseling guidance from a qualified practitioner. Please get professional care if you suffer from a physical or mental disease.